The SELECT statement can include an AT clause to query previous versions of your data with a specific snapshot ID or timestamp.
This is part of the Databend's Time Travel feature that allows you to query, back up, and restore from a previous version of your data within the retention period.
SELECT ... FROM ... AT ( { SNAPSHOT => <snapshot_id> | TIMESTAMP => <timestamp> } )
Query with a snapshot ID
-- Show snapshot ID
select snapshot_id,timestamp from fuse_snapshot('default', 'ontime2');
| snapshot_id | timestamp |
| 16729481923640f9864c1c8ddd0861e3 | 2022-06-28 09:09:40.190662 |
-- Query with the snapshot ID
select * from ontime2 at (snapshot=>'16729481923640f9864c1c8ddd0861e3');
Query with a timestamp
-- Create a table
create table demo(c varchar);
-- Insert two rows
insert into demo values('batch1.1'),('batch1.2');
-- Insert another row
insert into demo values('batch2.1');
-- Show timestamps
select timestamp from fuse_snapshot('default', 'demo');
| timestamp |
| 2022-06-22 08:58:54.509008 |
| 2022-06-22 08:58:36.254458 |
-- Travel to the time when the last row was inserted
select * from demo at (TIMESTAMP => '2022-06-22 08:58:54.509008'::TIMESTAMP);
| c |
| batch1.1 |
| batch1.2 |
| batch2.1 |
-- Travel to the time when the first two rows were inserted
select * from demo at (TIMESTAMP => '2022-06-22 08:58:36.254458'::TIMESTAMP);
| c |
| batch1.1 |
| batch1.2 |